Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - Benefits for Hair Health

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - Benefits for Hair Health

Thiamine plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes that occur in the skin, hair, and nails. It is essential for the production of amino acids, the basic building blocks of hair, which is why supplementation is recommended in cases of excessive hair loss. Thiamine also acts as a coenzyme that activates carbohydrate metabolism, allowing the reproductive cells of the hair matrix to receive the necessary energy for hair shaft growth. In this sense, vitamin B1 can be said to accelerate hair growth.

Thiamine also has an impact on the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. When there is a deficiency, these glands become deregulated and produce excessive amounts of sebum, leading to scalp oiliness. If left unresolved, this issue can progress to seborrheic dermatitis, a difficult-to-treat cause of hair loss. Thiamine deficiency can also manifest as hair weakening along its length. Undernourished strands become dull and brittle, leading to breakage and split ends.

Niacin supplementation is particularly important for individuals during puberty, as hormonal fluctuations during this period can make sebaceous glands more prone to deregulation, causing them to work overtime. This is why adolescents often experience oily scalp and acne due to excess sebum on the facial skin.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - Dosage Guidelines

In scientific studies, the following dosages have been examined:

For adults with slightly low thiamine levels (mild thiamine deficiency): a typical thiamine dosage is 5-30 mg per day in a single dose or divided doses for one month.

For patients with severe deficiency, the dosage can be up to 300 mg per day. To reduce the risk of cataracts: daily intake of approximately 10 mg of thiamine is recommended.

As a dietary supplement for adults, 1-2 mg of thiamine per day is typically used. The daily recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for thiamine is as follows: infants 0-6 months, 0.2 mg; infants 7-12 months, 0.3 mg; children 1-3 years, 0.5 mg; children 4-8 years, 0.6 mg; boys 9-13 years, 0.9 mg; men aged 14 years and older, 1.2 mg; girls 9-13 years, 0.9 mg; women 14-18 years, 1 mg; women aged 18 years and older, 1.1 mg; pregnant women, 1.4 mg; and breastfeeding women, 1.5 mg.


Thiamine, or vitamin B1, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for numerous bodily functions, including nervous system and muscle function, electrolyte flow to nerve and muscle cells, digestion, and carbohydrate metabolism. It is naturally found in various food sources and is also available as a supplement. Thiamine deficiency, though rare, can lead to various health issues, including hair and skin problems. To maintain optimal thiamine levels, it is crucial to consume an adequate amount through diet or supplementation, as per the recommended daily allowances.


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