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Ensuring a well-balanced diet is an essential component in promoting optimal health. It is a challenging feat to remain healthy without proper dietary management. A diversified menu must include the indispensable mineral magnesium. This often-overlooked element plays a crucial role in muscle function, regulating blood pressure, and supplying energy to nervous tissue, among other critical biological processes. Magnesium's far-reaching impact on the body highlights its potential to alleviate numerous disruptive symptoms through its fulfillment of the recommended daily intake.

Magnesium - what is it responsible for?

Magnesium plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. It is responsible for the proper functioning of muscles, making it particularly beneficial for athletes and those experiencing muscle pain or tension. Furthermore, magnesium deficiency can lead to twitching of the eyelid, indicating the importance of maintaining an adequate level of this element.

For individuals leading stressful lives, maintaining an appropriate level of magnesium is essential. The element is critical for concentration and memory, making it beneficial for individuals facing important exams, business meetings, or other projects. Lack of magnesium can lead to reduced concentration and impaired memory, which can be detrimental to busy schedules.

Magnesium preparations are recommended for individuals who are unable to provide their bodies with adequate doses of the element due to illness or an irregular diet. Adequate magnesium levels also help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and type II diabetes, as well as maintaining healthy bones and teeth by affecting calcium levels. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure proper levels of magnesium for a healthy body.

Magnesium and its deficiency - what is it due to?

Magnesium deficiency can occur despite following a balanced diet that includes essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Certain medical conditions and pregnancy or breastfeeding can increase the demand for magnesium in the body. Individuals who consume coffee or tea regularly may also be at risk of magnesium deficiency, as excess caffeine can cause the body to excrete magnesium.

Magnesium supplementation - who should take it?

Magnesium for children

The developing body of a small child needs special care. Adequate levels of magnesium help maintain concentration while calming an overactive toddler and ensuring their well-being. Preparations in gels or sprays make it easy to administer and encourage the child to supplement deficiencies. 

Magnesium in pregnancy

The demand for magnesium is particularly high in pregnant and breastfeeding women. When the diet is unable to provide the necessary amount of the element to the body, additional supplementation should be considered. 

Magnesium - symptoms of deficiency

Magnesium deficiencies are apparent relatively quickly, but can be ignored for a long time due to their nature. Among the first symptoms are:

  • headache
  • weakening of
  • a feeling of permanent fatigue
  • irritability, sadness, melancholic mood
  • calf cramps
  • twitching eyelid

When the effects of magnesium deficiency recur and become troublesome, it is necessary to supplement its levels. It can be supplied to the body through a suitable diet, rich in products such as:

  • spinach
  • banana
  • hazelnuts
  • cocoa
  • legumes

Magnesium supplementation can be an effective solution for those who are unable to get enough magnesium from their diet. These supplements come in precisely measured doses and can be combined with other minerals and vitamins to strengthen the body's function. Potassium is a particularly popular mineral to pair with magnesium, as a deficiency of one can result in worse absorption of the other. Therefore, when there is a deficiency of either element, it is recommended to supplement with its inseparable companion as well.

In addition to potassium, vitamin B6 is also an excellent complement to magnesium, as it supports its absorption. Magnesium B6 supplements ensure a comprehensive effect, which can be useful for people who engage in intensive mental work or are exposed to prolonged stress.

Types of magnesium - which is the best?

For magnesium to be effective, the right form is essential. In dietary supplements it is most commonly found:

  • Magnesium citrate - is one of the most common consumer choices. It owes its position to excellent absorption, however, it causes slight laxation of the body, so not everyone should use it.
  • Magnesium glycinate - It is distinguished by its high absorption capacity and therefore effectiveness. In contrast to citrate, it does not exhibit laxative properties.
  • Magnesium carbonate - is a solution for those who struggle with digestive system ailments, such as reflux. Despite alleviating the symptoms, magnesium carbonate has a rather low absorption rate - only 30%.