Hair, Skin & Nails

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Our body's hair, skin, and nails are the first to respond to vitamin shortages in our food, warn us when illnesses are emerging, and hint at how unhealthy or unbalanced our lifestyle is. Hair loss, greying skin, and brittle nails can be brought on by a number of conditions, including thyroid illness, anemia, poor nutrition, stress, and exhaustion. As our calling card, hair, skin, and nails not only reveal how well we take care of ourselves, but also serve as our most organic form of ornamentation.

Hair, skin, nails - what do they need?

Hair, skin, and nails require the proper ratio of vitamins and minerals in order to look healthy and fight harm. These mostly consist of zinc, copper, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Each of these components has a crucial role in maintaining the elasticity, moisture, color, and shine of hair, skin, and nails. Unsaturated fatty acids, sulfuric amino acids like L-cysteine and L-methionine, silica, and biotin are also crucial for them. When this is not feasible, turn to carefully chosen multivitamin supplements. These should be provided to the body daily through meals.

Hair, skin, nails - how to take care of them

We can care for our hair, skin, and nails on the inside as well as the outside since they are cellular complexes. A well-balanced diet full of fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals forms the cornerstone. However, single- or multi-ingredient supplements and organic plant extracts from species like horsetail or nettle can make up for these shortages. At the same time, we should refrain from harmful stimulants like alcohol and tobacco. With the right care, skin, hair, and nails may also be taken care of from the outside in. For this, cold-pressed, unrefined vegetable oils are ideal since they are a great source of fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. They may be used to pre-made drugstore cosmetics or massaged into the skin, hair, and nails.

Every woman aspires to have gorgeous hair, skin, and nails, but maintaining their health is challenging and calls for meticulous care. However, if they receive the correct nutrition and hydration, they are able to keep their elasticity, gloss, and young look despite the ravages of time and environmental circumstances.