Vitamin A (Retinol) - Action, Deficiency, Incidence

Vitamin A (Retinol) - action, deficiency, incidence

Vitamin A is a substance responsible for a huge number of important processes in our body. It is required for the process of seeing, and in addition it can strengthen our immune system, making the risk of contracting various diseases significantly lower. What is important for women is the fact that it improves the appearance of the skin, so it can be successfully found in a whole range of cosmetics.

Vitamin A, i.e. retinol and its derivatives, is fat-soluble and therefore is deposited in the fatty tissue, which means that it is rarely deficient, although we should also take into account the fact that sometimes its excess can also be very harmful. As for the essential role of this substance, it participates in the synthesis of proteins and in the metabolism of fats. In addition, it improves the ability of cells to repair themselves, and is also involved in the correct course of processes related to growth. These are actually the most important facts about this vitamin, but of course we must not forget that it has a potential anticancer effect.

Adequate amount of vitamin A will allow us to enjoy the fact that our eyesight will be at a good level. Besides, it accelerates the renewal of the epidermis and strengthens its protective functions. It can help in the fight against acne, and also eliminates small wrinkles and minor discolourations.

Vitamin A deficiency

As is probably the case with everything, also in the case of vitamin A deficiency can have fatal consequences. It may result from disorders in the absorption of this substance, poor diet, but also the use of various stimulants. One of the characteristic symptoms is deterioration of vision, in the form of night blindness. In addition, a potential deficiency can very often be identified by observing such signs as:

  • severely dry skin, especially on the knees and elbows, which does not disappear even after applying creams,
  • dryness of the eyeball or lack of tears, which can even lead to clouding and softening of the cornea,
  • menstrual and fertility problems,
  • ringing in the ears in the elderly;

It is worth knowing that if we struggle with various diseases of the digestive system, or if we are exposed to prolonged stress or have a diet that is too low in fat, then the need for vitamin A increases, so it is worth leading a healthy lifestyle, although many things cannot be managed or prevented.

Vitamin A for the face

Vitamin A is one of the most effective ingredients in anti-ageing preparations. Thanks to it the skin becomes smoother, tighter and more elastic, and discolorations of various types become less visible. Vitamin A increases the number of fibroblasts and enhances the production of collagen fibres, responsible for the firmness of the connective tissue. Creams with this vitamin also help to regenerate dried epidermis, reduce keratoses, soothe inflammation and prevent damage caused by sun radiation. Retinoids, synthetic derivatives of vitamin A, are also used to treat dermatological problems such as acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and sun spots. However, the treatment is carried out under strict supervision and is not allowed for pregnant women. So how should we apply vitamin A to the face? In this case, we can bet on an external and internal treatment. First of all, we can choose from creams and ointments that accelerate the regeneration of the skin and also protect it against the harmful effects of various atmospheric conditions such as wind, frost or sun. Vitamin A drops can also be added to existing cosmetics or applied to the face as a concentrated anti-wrinkle serum. At the same time as skin care, the vitamin can be supplemented with a dose of 15 - 21 mg daily for up to 12 months. Such treatment will prevent and support the treatment of many diseases, and is additionally recommended in the prevention of skin cancer.

Occurrence of vitamin A

Vitamin A fortunately does not belong to the substances that are difficult to take into your body. Retinol, one of its forms, is found in a whole range of animal products and a type of provitamin A such as beta-carotene in plant products. These compounds have different activities, although it is important to know that retinol is more easily absorbed and utilised by the body. It is generally accepted that the utilisation of beta-carotene is up to six times lower than that of retinol.

Good products containing vitamin A are mainly beef and pork livers. In addition, a certain amount can also be found in butter, chicken eggs, cheese and milk. These are products rich in retinol. As far as products with high amounts of beta-carotene are concerned, these are: carrots, parsley (leaves), spinach, pumpkin, apricots, lettuce or tomatoes. So there is certainly a natural food supplement for everyone.


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