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Vitamins represent indispensable organic compounds that the body requires to operate in an optimal manner. Deficiencies of these nutrients manifest themselves rapidly and lead to health issues such as general fatigue, a negative mood, as well as a diminished immunity, rendering individuals more vulnerable to illnesses.

Fruit and vegetables serve as the fundamental source of vitamins.

Although fruit and vegetables stand as the primary sources of these nutrients, particular vitamins are more prone to deficiencies. Vitamin D, for instance, is synthesized by the body through exposure to sunlight, a resource that becomes scarce, particularly during the fall and winter seasons. In such circumstances, dietary supplements prove useful in adjusting its levels.

How are vitamins divided?

Organic compounds called vitamins are responsible for the proper functioning of the body and are a fundamental issue that must be taken care of to stay healthy. There are two main groups:

  • Water-soluble - these include biotin, pantothenic acid, and B vitamins such as vitamin B12 and vitamin B1.
  • Fat-soluble - among which are: vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin E

The first group is associated with metabolic changes occurring in tissues, acting as coenzymes. Fat-soluble vitamins, on the other hand, have regulatory functions and, unlike water-soluble substances, tend to accumulate in the body. 

Vitamins for pregnant women

Pregnancy is an incredibly important moment in the lives of many women. The formation of a new organism requires a stable and balanced diet, which will provide the child with all the necessary vitamins needed for its proper development. Although the most desirable substances are those which come from food, maintaining an ideal diet along with everyday duties proves to be a challenge. For this reason, additional preparations are often used. 

Vitamins for pregnant women in the form of supplements are a mixture of the most important elements that no future mum should lack. Which products are worth taking? 

  • Vitamin D3 - Vitamin D3 deficiency during pregnancy is associated with high risk. Deficiencies increase the chance of preterm birth, low birth weight and pre-eclampsia. 
  • Folic acid - too low a level of folic acid contributes to anaemia, which can endanger the health of the baby. Furthermore, additional supplementation can reduce the risk of neural tube defects by up to 70%. 

Who should reach for vitamins in supplements?

Determining whether or not to take vitamin supplements is dependent upon various factors. Each set of vitamins serves a specific purpose, and it's crucial to only supplement those substances that the body lacks. Therefore, choosing the correct supplement will depend on the specific symptoms that the body exhibits. Which individuals should consider taking supplements?

  • People who have a disease that inhibits the absorption of vitamins
  • Individuals with a diet that doesn't meet daily vitamin requirements
  • Athletes who engage in physical activities that require additional muscle support
  • Pregnant women

Vitamin complexes are an efficient way of quickly compensating for deficiencies and alleviating troublesome symptoms. Tablets and capsules are highly absorbable, allowing you to rest assured that the supplement will help stabilize vitamin levels within the body.